Two tweeks ago a Salt Printing workshop took place in RadLab Studio as part of our Alternative Photography series. Salt printing is sometimes labeled as an unreliable process that will eventually fade and break your heart. This is true if your approach is casual or if you’ve been subjected to misinformation when learning the techniques. A good example could be our location where there’s a good deal of chlorine in the water supply. The print will look totally fantastic until it dries. Then the highlights might turned grey. Most of the time, however, it’s simply a matter of working clean and paying attention to the process. Thanks to our advisor Nikola Dyulgyarov ,we had the chance to minimise the the risk of an unforeseen circumstance. And here we are – two weeks later our images are still looking great with nice contrast, crystal highlights and nostalgic shades.
This workshop is part of Alternative Photography Processes project, implemented with the financial support of the National Culture Fund, Bulgaria.