| FreeQUARANTEEN is a collection of selected photographs of young authors who participated in BLUE SUMMER project of RadLab Studio. BLUE SUMMER has a cultural and educational purpose and aimed at young people with a creative charge. The photographs were taken during their summer vacation and represents their world, which is inevitably affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the consequences of which threaten the social model, reprogramming the personality and often leading to loss of identity. There are ten participants, as in the project. They are connected only by the love of photography. Through their lenses, they represent a world of aspirations, freedom, limitations, emptiness, hopes, beauty, strangeness, irony, fear and excitement. The shots represents the growth as a process in life. The barrier of the child’s consciousness has been crossed and there – on the border between the naive and the mature, the images in QUARANTEEN have been created.